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01 May 2007

China's Pandas Love Watching Porn

Well, I guess males are males no matter what the species, she said with a smile.

The male Panda Bears would rather have a lazy hazy day of summer by laying around in their trees and chewing on their bamboo, than making sweet love to the lady Pandas.

So, China's researchers came up with a plan.

First they tried giving the male Pandas some good ol' fashioned Viagra. Let's just say, that it didn't hit the spot. The only next best thing of course was to video tape other panda bears in the throes of lovemaking. The loveless and passionless male pandas were shown movies of their fellow species getting it on. In human language it would be called porn. The sounds of ecstasy along with the physical excitement stimulated the uninterested parties and caused some lovemaking too finally take place.

Through the use of panda porn an explosion of little pandas have been born.

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