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30 March 2007

Co-Anchor Rene' Syler Elects For a Mastectomy

Former co-anchor Rene' Syler of The Early Morning Show made a decision, which most women can not begin to fathom, but let's try to step into her shoes.

For too many years and on a yearly basis she found herself having to undergo mammograms with each one coming back abnormal. These abnormalities resulted in very painful biopsies. The removal of live bodily tissue for examination.

The stakes for the co-anchor were extremely high that she may one day end up with breast cancer, seeing as both her parents once suffered with this disease. Rene' Syler had genetic testing performed and it came back negative, she was not carrying the gene. But, she opted for both of her breast to be removed, a double mastectomy. And, I can certainly understand why.

At first, there was little tissue which needed removal. Until, she graduated to lumps the size of golf balls. That's a steady rapid growth of tissue. And, a higher probability that one of these times cancer was surely to be found. Each biopsy caused a size reduction to one of the breast. I personally can't imagine experiencing this.

Rene' Syler has 2 children and a husband. Like all mothers, you want to be here for them, alive and well. Never let it be said, that a man cannot support a woman removing her breast, because her husband has stood tall and strong by her.

Surgery took approximately 5 hours. Rene' had temporary breast implants put in place, which are called 'tissue expanders'.

Her words to it all, "I'm Happy." She gets up every morning with a smile and new outlook on life. She says, it's a great relief not to worry is today the day I find out I have cancer?

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