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13 April 2007

Feminist Fun Fair Celebrates Young Women and Men

This was a very different day with celebration. An education for those in attendance and a day in all likelihood that will always be remembered. I mean how often do you sit down and draw a picture of your vagina?

But, of course that wasn't all this event was about. The fair was held in order to show that feminist aren't chew them up, spit them out, Men Hating women. An opportunity for these kinds of stereotypes to hopefully be broken.

This was the objective of Tiffany Duening, a member of the Women's Coalition, which sponsored the event. The second annual Feminist Fun Fair was held on Hayden Lawn, Monday.

The students were also given free condoms and lubricants. Anyone that wanted to could challenge a feminist in arm wrestling. Different booths were set up on the lawn. Even one which displayed a vibrator.

The young women drew interpretations of what their vagina's looked like. Bright colors were used to portray them. There was happy and sad images of their vagina's. Most were done in abstract only a few were really graphic. The pictures were sold and donations were given.

All in all it appeared to be a great turnout. Especially since sophomore Matt Jacobs stated, "I like the face of feminism that doesn't clash with the idea of equality. There is always a degrading tone towards men in the stereotype of feminism and that wasn't here at all."

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