Ohio Lawmaker believes same-sex committed relationships lead to mental and physical illness
Jeff Warner, a Republican representing the 81st district in Ohio, believes that,"same sex committed relationships lead to mental and physical illness." I'm sorry before I can even think about getting mad I must have myself a good laugh. He's an embarrassment to the State of Ohio, period.
As a citizen of Ohio, we must get a gag order to prevent this educated idiot from speaking!
check it...
When a constituent asked about H.B. 502 the "Equal Housing and Employment Act, that would cover LGBTs this is what Wagner said via email --
"[T]his is a dangerous and misguided bill. The bill is not really about people being denied rights to basic needs, but it is about promoting acceptance of an immoral lifestyle. As much as some people would have us to believe otherwise, this country was founded on Christian principles.
One of those long honored principles is the tradition of holy matrimony.
One man and one woman joined together in a union that goes as far back as Adam and Eve. As our society has gotten further from that standard (not just homosexuality, but easy divorce, cheating on a spouse, etc.) we see a continued collapse of the basic building block of society the family unit. As that traditional family erodes, we see more sexually transmitted diseases, kids without parents, heartbroken people and I believe a host of mental and physical illnesses. . . . rest assured I can not support a bill in any way promotes or encourages the homosexual lifestyle."

Here's the response from Twenty-four members of the Ohio House of Representatives, led by Minority Leader Joyce Beatty (pictured) have issued in response to Representative Jeff Wagner’s comments attacking LGBT families and aligning same-sex relationships with mental illness.
In a letter from the lawmakers, they call Wagner’s remarks “inappropriate and unprofessional for the civil dialogue this august body normally upholds,” and go on to say that they “stand united against any type of discriminatory speech.”
“Discrimination against anyone, for any reason,” they write, “is wrong.”
“We strongly disagree with your statements,” the letter concludes.
The lawmakers’ full letter, along with the names of everyone who signed on, is after the jump.
May 23, 2008
State Rep. Jeff Wagner
81st House District
77 S. High St., 12th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Dear Rep. Wagner,
It has come to our attention that you have sent an email to all Members and staff with language that we believe is inappropriate and unprofessional for the civil dialogue this august body normally upholds.
We, the undersigned Democratic Members of the House, stand united against any type of discriminatory speech. Discrimination against anyone for any reason is wrong.
We strongly disagree with your statements.
Joyce Beatty
Minority Leader
Ted Celeste Chris Redfern Robert F. Hagan
Mike Foley Tom Letson Ron Gerberry
Joe Koziura Kenny Yuko Peter Ujvagi
Dale Mallory Sandra Williams Dan Stewart
Barbara Boyd Edna Brown Michael Skindell
Stephen Slesnick Armond Budish Steve Driehaus
Tyrone Yates Clayton Luckie John Domenick
Tracy Maxwell Heard
CC: Speaker Husted
Ohio is a very homophobic state - it's redder than red - but hopefully we will continue to grow and flourish as we have done as of late, believe me we have came along ways baby - in comparision to only a few years & days.
I'm in a lesbian relationship. The only reason I am mentaly ill is because numbnut jackass like jeff Warner think they can trample my rights.
If wanting equal rights makes me mentaly ill then he's right.
He's an ass clown.
LOL! He's prolly secretly getting his ass tweaked! Most of them that spew just hate/bigotry are closeted.
Ohio is a very homophobic and racist state, I would not dream of living in your city Miss Vicki in all due respect. And, I'm a 55 year old straight Caucasian woman who loves nearly every one, but your town your officials and the mindset leaves much to be desired.
I Support Gay Rights and Civil Rights which is Human Rights.
Thank You!! Mrs. Allyson --
I understand exactly where you are coming from - Cincinnati is a very prehistoric town to live in.
Wanting to be and proclaiming to be - a major city - Poppycock & Humbug!!
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